Walking Football
Try this slower-paced, non-contact version of the beautiful game! Walking Football is aimed at people over the age of 50, and designed to help keep them active, social and having fun. Running and jogging are not allowed, which offers a surprising challenge!
Winsford Lifestyle Centre, ever Wednesday 5.00pm – 6.00pm
£3.50 per person
These sessions are run in conjunction with Age UK.
Available at:
The Cheshire County FA
Moss Farm Leisure Complex is the main base for the Cheshire County Football Association (CCFA).
Traditionally, the Cheshire County FA’s main administrative functions revolve around the affiliation of clubs, competitions and leagues; the registration of players, recruitment, coaching, the assessment of match officials and discipline.
In addition to its administrative functions, the County FA also leads in the development of football throughout Cheshire.
Boasting a thriving football development department, the Cheshire County FA deals with initiatives such as coach education, child protection, charter standard, mini soccer, girls and women’s football, disability football, volunteer support and education.
If you are thinking of joining a football team and would like to look for clubs in your local area, find information on how to become a referee or volunteering in football visit the Cheshire County FA website.