We’re making sport and leisure more available to all!19 Jul

Partnering with Vivo Care Choices, we’re part of a new campaign to tackle the isolation caused by disability and old age.
The scheme allows those suffering from both mental and physical health problems to combine sports and leisure activities as part of their normal day care routine. Older people that had become increasingly isolated and lonely are also benefitting from the scheme that started at Northwich Memorial Court back in the January 2016.
Since then it has doubled in size! It began life as a two-day a week trial run, but has now grown into a full five-day programme of activities and there are plans to roll the service out to other towns!
Elly McFahn, our Managing Director, said: “This partnership has been so successful because both Brio and Vivo are working toward the same goals. It’s all about making community facilities available to everyone and inviting to everyone in the borough.”
This collaboration means that this section of the community, who may not have had access to sports and leisure facilities previously, gets to enjoy a fun range of activities that will get them active and socialising. There’s a perception that you have to be fit or sporty to enjoy facilities such as Northwich Memorial Court, but that’s not necessarily the case! We want residents to understand that these facilities are accessible to all, and they have something for everyone.
Northwich Memorial Court was designed to ensure that every member of the community had access to it. There are fantastic sports facilities in the gym and fitness studios, but there’s also the pool which is a great place to unwind, and a public café for those that are just looking to socialise!
Vivo’s mission is to support people with learning disabilities and conditions such as autism or dementia, and to enable them to access the large range of facilities within their local community. Being jointly located at Northwich Memorial Court provides a better range of health and wellbeing activities for these groups, as well as wider community integration!
So as you can see, we’re very pleased with the scheme so far. Watch out for details of similar schemes in your local area!