Top tips for healthy eating in 2016!8 Jan
Struggling with your ‘healthy eating’ New Years Resolution? We’re here to help!
Jane, our lovely Gym & Fitness Lead at Northgate Arena, has come up with some top healthy eating tips to help keep you on track to the new you!
1. Plan your meals!
Planning out your meals for the week ahead, and knowing them when you go shopping, will help stop you buying extra food that you don’t need. There’s plenty of fantastic apps such as My Fitness Pal which will help you plan your meals and show you their nutritional content too, so you can be in complete control of what you eat.
2. Eat regular meals.
Don’t fall into the trap of skipping meals in hope that it’ll help you lose weight. Regular meals have been shown to help burn calories at a faster, more consistent rate, and reduces the temptation to snack. And of course, don’t skip breakfast!
3. Watch what you buy!
If you don’t buy unhealthy food, you can’t eat it! That doesn’t mean you should deprive yourself of treats though, just make a few healthy swaps. How about unsalted popcorn instead of crisps, or a tasty fruit salad instead of a chocolate bar?
4. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables
Low in calories and high in fibre, fruit and veg are perfect for promoting weight loss. Fibre can help keep you feeling full so you won’t be tempted to snack on something afterwards. Do you get your 5 a day?
5. Drink lot of water
Don’t confuse hunger with thirst (it’s easily done!) by ensuring you drink plenty of water throughout the day. You’ll avoid consuming calories you didn’t really need, and keep hydrated too. Aim for about 8 glasses or 1.2 litres of water a day.
6. Use a smaller plate
This is a fantastic healthy eating hack – studies have shown that people who use smaller plates tend to eat smaller portions and are still satisfied. Give it a go during January and see if it makes a difference!
Try these six tips and let us know how you get on! If you’ve got any of your own healthy eating tips, be sure to share them in the comments below.
If you’re interested in cutting your sugar intake this year, make sure you check out the Change4Life Sugar Smart app. You can scan barcodes and get sugar content for everything you eat, giving you more knowledge and control over the sugar you consume.