Our Top 4 Water Workout Classes!8 Sep

Fancy trying something a bit different? How about a water workout? Our Aqua Fitness classes are a fantastic way to get fit as you benefit from specially designed programmes that take advantage of the resistance you get from being in the pool! These are a few of our top classes:

Aqua Zumba

Do you love Zumba? If so, you’ll love this! Combining dance elements of Zumba with traditional aqua fitness movements, this class offers great cardio, conditioning and body toning benefits. It will also give you greater mobility and enhanced joint flexibility, just what you want out of a water workout! This is an absolute classic, and one that we know many of our customers simply love!

Available at:

Swim Fit

This is great for those who want an alternative way to workout in the pool. It’s a fun circuit style exercise programme that still manages to be low impact, so is easy on your joints.

Available at:


HIIT Workouts are amazing! HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training, and classes are all about short bursts of exercises punctuated with rest periods. These will have you burning maximum calories in a minimum time period! Not only will you be burning fat and building muscle, this class can also bring you an enhanced sense of wellbeing, improved moods and better sleep quality. You’ll be so tired after this one, you’ll sleep like a baby for sure!

Available at:

Aqua Mitt

This is our very new and very unusual water workout! This class zones in on the upper body by using “Aqua Mitts” to add additional and harder resistance training! These are basically webbed gloves that make it harder for you to move your arms through the water. It’s definitely one to try out to ease those stiff joints and relax sore muscles.

Available at:

These are just a few of our Aqua classes! Head over to our Timetables page to see what’s going on at your local Brio centre!

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