Get the support you need to leading a healthy lifestyle!3 Aug

Get the support you need to leading a healthy lifestyle!

Keeping your body healthy doesn’t just help with everyday activities; having better overall health builds up your body’s strength as well as decreasing the risks of various conditions, cancer, heart disease as well as COVID-19.

In the Uk, nearly 2 out of 3 adults are overweight which is 63%; gaining weight happens over time and can be something we don’t recognise until it is too late. There are many ways for you to start leading a healthy lifestyle; whether this is with family and friends, or by yourself.

Create goals that are reachable and can be used as checkpoints; this can be anything from weight to lose, or to stop snacking – something that will help you kickstart your health drive. Once you’ve done this, planning meals is a perfect step forward; this not only takes the stress off knowing what to eat but allows you to prepare for meals ahead of time, making sure you are getting all the right nutrients!

Small changes that you feel wouldn’t make a difference can often be the changes to help you start your journey! This can be anything like quitting fizzy drinks, one extra form of exercise a week and more!

There are apps, online support and more that can help give you that extra encouragement throughout your process. Losing weight can be tricky, especially due to the limited facilities, fitness sessions and more. Find new ways to get your exercise in, for example, Les Mills offers a 30 free trial, we have all of our workouts posted on YouTube and more!

Check out the NHS website for amazing top tips and ideas for you to try out.


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