Focusing on your Mental Health30 Mar

Focusing on your Mental Health

Finding ways to exercise and keep up your physical health in isolation is critical; however, this can mean we often overlook our mental health.

Why not try focusing on your mental health this week?

Self-isolating can increase your anxiety, frustration and more. What you would usually turn to as a way of keeping your mind off things may not be available now. How can you find other ways to keep yourself busy and focused without your mental health overtaking you?

There are some great ways for you to keep on top of your mental health:

Check out this link for more information on how you can help your mental health at this time.


Creating a plan to keep yourself busy and productive is an amazing way to help your mental health; we have created this plan with Cheshire Change Hub to help you find ways to keep on top of everything!

Include physical, social, mental and practical tasks in your day every day; this will help you notice what you have achieved each day and how you can include everything you need! For example, looking at the table below, you can see the different tasks for each section of the plan. If you want some more information on what you can include in your plan, more tips and tricks on moving, health eating and more click here.


Click below to download the template of this plan to use!

Cheshire Change Hub plan

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