Why your company should get WorkFit today15 Mar

Why your company should get WorkFit today

April is WorkFit Wellness month!

We’re shouting about WorkFit all month and the fantastic saving it can be for you, your friends and your family! If this isn’t reason enough to sign your company up for WorkFit today then take a look at these five reasons why working out with some colleagues will make work more profitable and life more enjoyable!

Exercising together helps build relationships


Whether working on a huge project for a customer or going to the gym, individual performance inevitably improves when a person is ‘accountable’ to others as part of a group. It’s a highly motivating factor, whether on the treadmill or in the office. We all naturally have ‘low’ moments where motivation can dip due to any number of reasons. At times like this you need work colleagues or gym buddies to get you through and back on track.

Also consider the difference between doing something solo and the shared sense of achievement around reaching common goals together. Who doesn’t enjoy a good old-fashioned high five? Being part of an effective team is not only highly motivating, it’s downright enjoyable too. Adopting these kind of leisure habits can rapidly translate back into the workplace and improve productivity and company performance.

Exercising boosts brain power

Mental performance

Exercise is proven to help boost memory, improve concentration and enhance creativity – both direct and indirectly.

At the core of the brain’s learning and memory function, the hippocampus is the part of the brain that reacts most positively to aerobic exercise. As we get older, the creation of new brain cells slows, and our brain tissue actually regresses. Exercise may even be able to reverse that trend.

Physical activity stimulates the release of growth factors – chemicals in the brain that affect the health of brain cells, the growth of new blood vessels and even the abundance and survival of new brain cells.

Indirectly, exercise (but not too late, mind) also better prepares mind and body for a good night’s sleep which we all know is essential to repairing and ‘clearing’ a busy mind. We all know how much a night of tossing and turning can affect us the following day at work.

Exercising melts away stress

Combat stress

We all have stress in our work lives to some degree; whether it’s the occasional bad day at the office or a much deeper ongoing issue. Aside from physical side-effects, often painful, stress can wreak havoc with your mind, seriously affecting work performance. Concentration, short-term memory and creativity are all known to suffer. And emotionally feeling isolated, down in the dumps or short-tempered can create unnecessary workplace tension.

Studies have repeatedly shown that exercise is a proven way to combat stress and all these negative consequences. Not only are endorphins (chemicals your body releases during exercise) natural stress-busters, but getting your fitness mojo going takes the mind off those things stressing you out.

Exercising wards of disease

Fewer sick days

Studies clearly demonstrate a direct correlation between keeping fit and avoiding illnesses. In fact, people who exercise regularly are HALF as likely to catch the common cold. Exercise strengthens the immune system, which works actively in attacking viruses, according to experts. Primarily, these benefits are associated with aerobic exercise, which increases your heart rate and improves circulation. So running, cycling and swimming are all essential activities to keep the doctor away!

Additionally, back and neck pain is an increasing problem – especially in office workers who sit in a chair for the majority of a working day. Speak to our fitness experts about exercises that can strengthen abs, back and other muscles to help achieve a good posture – both sitting and standing.

Exercising together helps you achieve goals


Belonging to a group of people – bonded by a common purpose – automatically increases the chances of making friends in the workplace. Forming these kind of relationships within any business is well documented to deliver a highly committed workforce.

An employee who feels highly engaged with the company they are working for is less likely to leave a role and will nearly always be more productive. In any case, it makes life more enjoyable to work with smiling, not frowning, colleagues.

Equally, exercise can improve or maintain physical appearance which improves confidence – something that can translate from social confidence to actual performance at work. A confident colleague is more likely to suggest a new way of doing things or take a well-calculated risk along the way.

Fancy trying us out with your workmates?

Visit our WorkFit page to see if your company is already on the scheme, request a free 7 day pass and take advantage of the discount on our Premier Membership. Don’t worry if they’re not already there though, get in touch and our Corporate Membership Officer will set you up! We can even run a free Wellbeing Day at your place of work, where everyone can find out the benefits of regular exercise!

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