Booking and cancelling fitness classes just got easier!25 Apr
We’re always looking to improve our services here at Brio Leisure!
In the last few weeks you may have noticed some big changes to our booking system. As well as our lovely new Online Bookings portal, we also now have two big changes to our waiting list and cancellation procedures.
Electronic Waiting List
Every day we have classes that aren’t full, and more often than not this is because customers are unable to attend a class they’re already booked on to. There will always be a waiting list of customers ready to take that place, but refilling those places at short notice or when the centre is closed is a tough task!
You can now add yourself to the waiting lists online and you’ll receive a notification when a space is available on your chosen class. The system will search for spaces every hour, between 6.00am and 9.00pm, and whenever a space is found an email will go out to everyone on the waiting list.
You can join the waiting list at any time up to 7 days in advance of the class – the list operates on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis, so keep an eye out for these emails and click the link in them to book!
If you’re not receiving any emails, it may be because your email address is missing or incorrect in our system. To check, head over to our Online Bookings portal and log in. In the top right corner you’ll see “My Details”. Click that and check your email address is correct.
If you’re still not receiving any emails, you may have opted out of email communication when you signed up. Next time you’re in-centre, just have a chat to a member of our Reception team and they’ll find you on the system and check to see if you need to opt back in.
Cancellation Policy Changes
Our old policy placed a fine on your account if you cancelled a class within 4 hours of your classes start time, and although this remains the current policy, we knew there was a better way to handle this so we’ve made some improvements:
- You can now cancel a class online right up until it’s due to start
- If you cancel your space and it gets filled by another customer*, you won’t have a £2.00 dishonour charge placed on your account
- If you cancel your space and it doesn’t get filled, the £2.00 dishonour charge will be placed on your account
- You can also cancel more than 4 hours before your class is due to start and there will be no charge, whether the space is filled or not
This will work much better and allow customers to cancel classes more freely, while our new electronic waiting list does the work to make sure those cancelled spaces get filled!
These two changes together will mean you’ll have more control when managing your weekly fitness class schedule, and more importantly, will get more people active in fitness classes!
*Spaces are filled automatically by the system in order of cancelled bookings so if another member has cancelled prior to your cancellation, their space will be filled first.